【視聴数 11689341】
【チャンネル名 Apple Explained】
【タグ history of the iphone,history of iphone,new iphone,iphone x,iphone xs,iphone xr,iphone xs max,iphone 8,iphone 8 plus,history of apple,steve jobs iphone,iphone rumors,apple iphone,apple new iphone,apple iphone xs,iphone 11,iphone 13 review,iphone 13 pro max,iPhone 12,iPhone 13,iPhone 13 unboxing,when will iPhone 13 be on sale】
My dad has a iphone 13 pro max
I didn’t even know about iPhone SE…
وااااو تطور
I would love to use 11 pro max
Me when iphone se
Fato: No Brazil, qualquer um desses custa um rim.
I phone SE (1st genararion) 😍❤️
It takes a strong heart to watch
Pov : u have iPhone 7 💔!
Me watching this on my 12 year old iphone 5s, This brings me the good old memorys
Почему я в начале подумал что это ручки
Oh I can see battery has always been iphones problem
Bit Iphone 10
I have an IPhone 8 lol
3 Best iPads video https://youtu.be/ImyoqC9tbY0 😊
“”Fck iPhones , all ma homies use budget android phones with high end features and OS freedom “”