【視聴数 648704】
【チャンネル名 BrooklynTokyo】
【タグ 外国人の反応,海外の反応,号泣,日本,リアクション,アメリカ人,黒人,世界の反応,BrooklynTokyo,Brooklyn Tokyo,Kyou,BrooklynTokyo Kyou,ブルックリン東京,ブルックリントーキョー,英語,日本語,英会話,キョウ,外国人,外人,SPY×FAMILY,スパイファミリー,スパイダーマン,スパイダーマン ノーウェイホーム,アーニャピーナッツが好き,アーニャ 人がゴミのようだ,あーにゃ,アーニャ,スパイファミリー op,blackwashing art rant,blackwashing gacha,anya spy x family,anya and elsya】
The picture and the race issue they make on it is great stupid.
At least they made an effort to make a black version of her. Honestly it’s not too different from changing a male character into a girl character .
Most just change the skin and nothing else .
This is a cop out, and a terrible argument
Especially from another black guy.
1.) white people have been doing this with darker skinned characters on a PROFESSIONAL Level. It’s extremely prevalent in fantasy. Wizard of Earthsea was a big example of this to the point where the author had to come out and say something about it.
Or you’ll have specifically darker characters being portrayed as white on book jackets.
This happened recently with the author of the Percy Jackson books.
There are characters that people draw as white all the time, that are not, all the time.
A big one for me was Kip Guile in Brent Weeks books. It is distinctly stated over and over again what color the character is, and why he’s that color due to heritage and people insist on drawing him as white.
White in the west is so seen as default that even when you make a point to make a darker character your average reader will picture them as white. Even I have this is issue when I’m reading a character.
White people have been whitewashing characters professionally since jump. They don’t do it now because it’s not cool to do anymore.
As far as people wanting to see original black characters and not tokens, history has taught us that this isn’t the case. They don’t want any black characters. They were perfectly content with the old status quo where all the important characters where white and all the minorities were side characters or villains.
We only have black characters today because a few people decided they were gonna do that regardless because it shouldn’t matter.
As far as someone drawing a character as black, or any other version, it has no bearing on the actual work or character. It’s no different than if someone wanted to gender-bend a character. It’s fan art. It has nothing to do with tokenization that’s just a dog whistle.
My god we lived through decades of silly shit like white people playing Asians blacks native Americans, *JOHN WAYNE PLAYING GENGHIS KHAN*
But heaven forbid a person draw a fan art of a character and make them darker.
And to sit up there and play the apologist.
Jesus man. Have you literally no shame?
I heard that Marvel is making a new Blade TV series. Mahershala Ali can get lost. We need a white Blade. Get Matt Damon. After all he has been both Chinese and white in films, why not make him do a black character. He will be the least racist person in the entire world.
me personally it doesn’t really bother me that they had turn her black the only thing that really bothers me is her hair i just don’t think it fits her i doesn’t look good imo
4:20 これは(それこそアーニャみたいな)人間設定のキャラクターの場合の話だと思うんですが、非人間の人型キャラクターの場合はどうなんでしょうか。