【視聴数 40154434】
【チャンネル名 GoPro】
【タグ GoPro,Hero4,Hero5,Hero Camera,HD Camera,stoked,rad,HD,best,go pro,cam,epic,hero4 session,Hero5 Session,session,action,beautiful,crazy,high definition,high def,be a hero,beahero,hero five,karma,gpro,mtb,mountain bike,nuremberg,germany,competition,1st,trick,perfect run,red bull,downhill,city,downtown,old town,flips,backflips,fourteen forty,ゴープロ,고프로】
Last one was crazies
You did us proud brother.
When he walks up and all of those beautiful Women, Men And Children cheering on that’s the most amazing feeling!!!!
0:38 turn it up to max volume 🤣
Golden comments
Adrenaline rush for life ,nothing beats extreme sports
1:51 it felt like he was underwater, but couldn’t swim- hoping he’d come back up…
the people who disliked got a 1439°
Sind hier auch deutsche weil das ein deutsches Video is
Je fais mieux sur bmx2 😂
The last ride was amazing
the last part him this is is okay me how the f u do that
It’s so amazing about the fact that he knew he may not have landed that and would have accepted a crash that bad.
Next Ryan Williams
imagine the adrenaline and all those people cheering you on. mad
Alhamdulillah keren
nobody: me playing BMX 2