【視聴数 40154434】
【チャンネル名 GoPro】
【タグ GoPro,Hero4,Hero5,Hero Camera,HD Camera,stoked,rad,HD,best,go pro,cam,epic,hero4 session,Hero5 Session,session,action,beautiful,crazy,high definition,high def,be a hero,beahero,hero five,karma,gpro,mtb,mountain bike,nuremberg,germany,competition,1st,trick,perfect run,red bull,downhill,city,downtown,old town,flips,backflips,fourteen forty,ゴープロ,고프로】
I love the fact that a camera does not fall off his helmet or something it’s amazing good job go pro
Hooooooly shit
His let’s go reminded me of Dude Perfect.
Patul a.k.a patah toelang
He was so awesome!
Pfft kids in the UK do this at age 6
Wii Fitness in VR be like…
Wooowwww, super 👍
angle your camera UP…. lol
0:40 “yeaaah boyy”
Exactly how I felt when I rode with no hands
You are cool buddy 😉😉😉
0:28 skip
1:50 “nickalodaredepmtion”
His bike went ⬇️⬆️⬅️↙️↖️↗️.
This is my grandpa going to school
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