【視聴数 40154434】
【チャンネル名 GoPro】
【タグ GoPro,Hero4,Hero5,Hero Camera,HD Camera,stoked,rad,HD,best,go pro,cam,epic,hero4 session,Hero5 Session,session,action,beautiful,crazy,high definition,high def,be a hero,beahero,hero five,karma,gpro,mtb,mountain bike,nuremberg,germany,competition,1st,trick,perfect run,red bull,downhill,city,downtown,old town,flips,backflips,fourteen forty,ゴープロ,고프로】
I think he is on RedBull…
Nice !
GOPRO for only PRO !
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imagine if he thought the last one was a ramp he had to get air off of and jumps into the crowd
The first 360 was so fast I almost did count it.
At first it looked like a 1080 flip.
1440p… Now its 4k or 8k man! Lol 😄
I think the most impressive thing about this is how he lands EVERYTHING in one go. Perfection
Holy shit .. like nothing.
That feeling must be incredible. Blowing it up! What a champ
AMAZING 😉!!!!!!
The mans yousing hacks
GoPro + RedBull = epic
This must be a good camera cause I just got sea sick
I don’t now how they do it 😦
I couldn’t even do this on a PlayStation
Are there other angles of shooting? I think that’s better
“Things are impossible until somebody does it” – Tony Robbins
Так орал, наверное, еще хотел. А велосипед ушел. И бесстрашный самец вынужден мириться со своим одиночеством посреди ярой толпы.
I feel bad for the bike that just gets thrown away after landing such awesomeness.
Totally tubular. Mad skills.