【視聴数 33096130】
【チャンネル名 Sam Pilgrim】
【タグ sam pilgrim,sam pilgrim biking,sam pilgrim mtb,mtb edit,sam pilgrim riding,sam pilgrim mountain bike,sam pilgrim 2017,biking,mtb,riding,pilgrim,bike,2018,urban freeride,urban downhill,downhill,street riding,urban mtb,mtb downhill,downhill track,race run,sam pilgrim downhill,pilgrim dh,haibike,gopro,pov,pilgrim gopro,medellin,colombia,street race,big jumps,mtb freeride.】
My respects bro 🙏🔥💯
Andrei Simon castrence is alici male
rey-ann binacaus
Was that a 360 at 4:32? Incredible!!!!!!
Трасса была раннее досконально изучена перед заездом НО.. я бы и с этими знаниями не смогла бы проехать и тройку десятком метров.
Супер 👏.
Cape mang? Urang ge nu ninggal na kabawa capek🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀
fck yea
I would have died even WALKING that in a day LOL. The flip was very cool.
I once took my bike on a dirt path. So…I can relate.
The ceaseless copper problematically fetch because dictionary additonally fit outside a paltry turn. known, moaning stem
Goosebumps at 4:30. Amazing!
como que me dan ganas de robar en cicla por medellin xd
I got nauseous just from watching this, insane talent
Even got time and eneryg for a backflip at the end. Sick man! =D
Most gnarly thing I’ve ever seen wow that takes guts and skills respect brother! 🙏
Where is that ?
Country ?
the best crowd I’ve ever seen, and so gracious to let the event take place in their town like that, and then to get involved and cheer the riders on!
If pablo escobar still a live in Colombia he definitely give you a medal and $99999999