【視聴数 1762421】
【チャンネル名 Rebecca Miyama / ミヤマレベッカ】
【タグ 配線整理,配線,整理,コード,すっきり,スッキリ,PCデスク,配線 整理,ケーブル収納,コード収納,収納,結束バンド,パソコン,wiring arrangement,cable management,デスク周り,デスク 配線,デスク下 収納,デスク周り 配線,デスク,ケーブル,電源タップ,エレコム,PCデスク周り,デスク下,電源タップボックス,デスク周り紹介,作業デスク,テレワーク,リモートワーク,在宅勤務,自宅勤務,在宅ワーク】
Why am I watching this I don’t even speak japanese
Where did you get your table from?
i like u work :3
benkyou narimashita, arigatou gozaimasu.
qué bonitas manos <3
Ahhh.,listening to her voice feels so satisfying
Very clean setup, hello from america
desperately need english subtitles lol
enjoy see that so many cable , me too i have so many cable in my desk but not know how to fix that , thanks for the video so i can search onnline and buy it
Really satisfying to watch something get organized.
mommy rebeecca
k dise ai no se ingles
Really love all the tips you shown here, will apply some to my own desk’s cable management. Thanks!
Yes! Hai!
Well detailed and explained very well, thank you! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Heeeee… Kao ga Doko?
Didn’t understood what you said, but the video was perfect