【視聴数 1762421】
【チャンネル名 Rebecca Miyama / ミヤマレベッカ】
【タグ 配線整理,配線,整理,コード,すっきり,スッキリ,PCデスク,配線 整理,ケーブル収納,コード収納,収納,結束バンド,パソコン,wiring arrangement,cable management,デスク周り,デスク 配線,デスク下 収納,デスク周り 配線,デスク,ケーブル,電源タップ,エレコム,PCデスク周り,デスク下,電源タップボックス,デスク周り紹介,作業デスク,テレワーク,リモートワーク,在宅勤務,自宅勤務,在宅ワーク】
Sepa lo que dijo
I bought all the parts and I just set it up underneath my desk and let me tell you… I’m never going back. It looks so open and fresh and organized and clean! I highly recommend!!!! Thank you so much Rebecca Miyama!!!! You are a goddess amongst mortals!
What keyboard is that?
What wrist rest is that? I have a similar keyboard but most wrist rests don’t work well because it’s thin.
한국인분들… 콘센트에 저렇게 붙이는 스티커는 뭐라고 검색해야 나올까요..?
am I the only one who thinks her voice sounds so beautiful?
Que pegue todo con cinta entendi
ah ya
This is like Marie kondo for tech people
this brings me joy
I understood nothing from this video but the cute voice kept me watching
No entiendo un carajo. Pero interesantes productos.
잘 봤어요. 케이블 정리가 깔끔하고 보기 좋아요. 영상도 담백하고 잔잔해서 구독했어요
I stumbled upon your video and instantly fell in love with the desk! May i know where you got it?
Yes yes go on