【視聴数 955177】
【チャンネル名 Michael The Maven】
【タグ Nikon D7100,Focusing,Focus,Training,Tutorial,Help,Tips,Lessons,For Beginners,advanced,modes,Servo,Continuous,Auto Focusing,Manual,PDF,troubleshooting,download,DVD,Crash Course,Nikon D7200,Nikon D7500 Tutorial】
Great work! Much appreciated. Thank you for this.
Good video I can not get the focus beep to work. I have found settings for “beep and have it turned on, but have yet to find the focus lock beep.. Anyone?
Nicly done, thank you
i have been looking and searching for a tutorial like this!! just recently hit a button and it changed my focusing and i had no idea there were so many options!!! this video just saved me!! thank you so much!!
Great tutorial Michael. Thank you.
That was very useful!! Thank you so much!!!
thanks for the explanation. I always got confused when recomposing in continuous mode and it would lose focus. Isnt there any way to recompose in continuous mode?
Also, is it ok to pan in continuous mode?
hai, when am uses single point focus the focus point is does not move, please help to change my setting
Thank you so much! I have a D7200 and this is an excellent video. Very concise, clear, detailed and clear to understand. Fantastic. You are my hero 🙂
I searched the settings and couldn’t find how to select the 1, 9, 22 or 51 focus points etc. So glad I found this video, thanks. I just got my D7100 this morning and set back button focus and manual mode etc. Just like on my D3200 but I thought the images were not sharp. Then I remembered that every camera I’ve ever had, I thought the same thing. I used to use a Contax RTSII and was very disappointed with the shots at first and couldn’t understand why a very sharp Carl Zeiss 50mm lens was soft lol. Once I got used to it and later got a Hasselblad, the photos from the Contax was as good as the Hasselblad at the one and only wedding I shot!
This was the most constructive How-To video that I have ever seen and I will now see what else you have to offer. Thank you so much!!!
wonderfull you are real man
I dont seem to be able to move the focusing square around, I must have inadvertantly set something within the menu that has disabled this feature, can you help
Brilliant…………….I say no more
This is the BEST tutorial I seen on Youtube for this camera. I’m know I’m way late, but it’s simple and easy to follow. I’ll look for more of your stuff! Thank you!!
Awesome tutorial. Thank you!
Back button focus Better than. Front button
I am a MORON! I have had my D7100 for three years and wondering why half my shots were out of focus. I only do portraits. I could punch myself in the groin right now…
Good stuff. Thanks.