【視聴数 955177】
【チャンネル名 Michael The Maven】
【タグ Nikon D7100,Focusing,Focus,Training,Tutorial,Help,Tips,Lessons,For Beginners,advanced,modes,Servo,Continuous,Auto Focusing,Manual,PDF,troubleshooting,download,DVD,Crash Course,Nikon D7200,Nikon D7500 Tutorial】
Really enjoyed your tutorial. I learned a lot more about using the Nikon 7100 shooting video. Thanks so much.
Hi Mich ,
what you will recommend D7100 or D7200 . I need a DSLR for regular use. I have shooted using D5300 and Canon 70D.
Please suggest the best one with reason.
Ashish Sharma
Very useful and easy to understand ever for non english people. Thank you!
Great Video, well explain , thanks a lot for sharing .
Hi, I really enjoyed this video, Help!! I just bought my camera last week, and when I tried to follow this video and pressed the AF button and rotate the wheel up top, the bottom left corner of the screen just shows 2 triangular arrows pointing at each other and Blinking, not sure what Im doing wrong?
incredible….very good and well explained!!!!
6:18 the tule of thirds was made up long ago to help photographers that were working with archaic equipment. I call it more of a suggestion. yes if you shoot everything dead in the middle that’s boring. the exception is when you fill your frame like you do here. there is no reason to put your model so far out to the left because of some hundred year old “rule” photography is an art there are no rules. I usually fill the frame with my model’s head. if you don’t fill the frame this is not always necessary but just remember if you shoot people nothing is more important than your model or your subject and putting them off to the side so you get half of frame with background is not doing your subject any justice.
Thanks, very clear explanation!!
Great video – thanks!
Thank you Sir ! good teacher
I love how you teach. Great, clear and concise explanations and examples of situations they can be used. It cleared up a lot for me!
The single best tutorial on D7100 i have seen so far on youtube, i wish there were more tutorials from Michael like this for D7100
Great tutorial, I’ve had my camera over a year and watching your tutorial will defenitely help me in the future…. Thanks
Wow, it’s like my youtube suggestions read my mind.. was having issues with blurry pics.. thank you so much ! I really appreciate the video
Sure helped me a lot …best video on the subject..many thanks
a very important video for me , but i want to know something else , will you please tell me how to focus something very far away in a landscape photography.
I know I’m late but I just got a 7100 and this was extremely helpful! Thank you!
Thorough, but not overwhelming for a beginner, this is great! Thank you!
Gracias!! Aunque hablo español tu tutorial fue tan didáctico que entendí todo 😁.