【視聴数 955177】
【チャンネル名 Michael The Maven】
【タグ Nikon D7100,Focusing,Focus,Training,Tutorial,Help,Tips,Lessons,For Beginners,advanced,modes,Servo,Continuous,Auto Focusing,Manual,PDF,troubleshooting,download,DVD,Crash Course,Nikon D7200,Nikon D7500 Tutorial】
thank you soo much <3
Could someone help me? My Nikon D7100 viewfinder infos never showed up since I bought it! I already read the entire manual and I just can’t find out how to turn it on!
why single point af doesn’t work with af-c ??
Very useful video. Thanks buddy!!
hi. i just bought my d7200 a week ago. when i bought the camera halfpress shutter wont autofocus. i brought it back to the store where i bought it and they were able to make the af mode appear in info, top screen, and the viewfinder but didnt tell how they do it. And when i use it again i just change the shooting mode from apperture priority to manual mode. af didnt work again.
thanks so much… a lot of help on just one video.
yes……..yes. back button focusing. i use it, it is simple, saves time & battery life.
superb, thanks!
You explain directly to the point, and the video edition with the red points is very good! Thank you!
Sirr You are great Thankyou
Wow, I would have never figured that out if I didn’t see this video.
Really an excellent tutorial, thanks so much. Just rented the D7200 for a week and this helps a lot. Thanks.
Nice tips
Simple, straightforward and to the point. Nice, especially as I’m just switched my entire system from Panasonic to Nikon.
thank you so much awesome info!
very simple way and very useful awosome bro. faisal sami
absolutly fantastic explanation , had this camera d7200 and wonderd what it was all about , basicly far to many buttons , but you explained it very well and consice, sometimes people learn better by looking and trying than rreading it and trying , bloddy well done , i will have to pass this on to nikon users in my camera club
Bought this course. I love it. Thanks Mike.
Nice tutorial n very helpful to me understand how to use focusing…. thanks..
this video is really help full, i’m just starting wedding photography and i face some difficulty with my new D7100. But now i understand all of these. thank you sir. 🙂