【視聴数 955177】
【チャンネル名 Michael The Maven】
【タグ Nikon D7100,Focusing,Focus,Training,Tutorial,Help,Tips,Lessons,For Beginners,advanced,modes,Servo,Continuous,Auto Focusing,Manual,PDF,troubleshooting,download,DVD,Crash Course,Nikon D7200,Nikon D7500 Tutorial】
hi I need to bay nikon which one better nikon d7200 or d7100 thank you
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Just found this video, I followed the steps for AFS S mode on my D7100 but it does not allow me to select/move the single focusing point around the screen. Do I need to hold down anything while moving the thumb wheel? I also reset the camera to factory specs but still not able to move the focusing point
Never mind, I figured it out. I had the focus lock switch in the “lock” position, lol
Thanks Michael.
sssssssoooooooo useful
thank you .
Wow, learned so much, thank you!
Hi Michael,
I am confused between Canon n Nikon. I have shortlisted few of Nikon cameras like D5200/5300/5500/7100/7200 please suggest me the best that I can keep shooting g with for next 5-10 years as the cameras are not that cheap. please suggest me the best so can I make investment once. Maybe you understand my point :).
u r amazing
awsome…i was wondering how to do this. i have been looking online for a week now through some other photographers i watch and none of them explained it so i culd find it until you. thank you so much.
The video states to use Auto Focus-S with the D9 focusing squares. My D7200 does not allow that. D9 focusing squares are only available on AF-C or AF-A.
Many thanks for your efforts , you help me
I’ve been using Nikon DSLRs (D100, D300 and D7100) for more than a decade and was never able to fully understand the rather complicated autofocus system. In my experience the Nikon manuals aren’t very useful in that aspect. Your video all of a sudden made it perfectly clear to me. Thank you very much for your clear and simple explanation!
Great tutorial Michael. I just picked up the D7100 last week. I didn’t take the time to read the manual (surprise) and was struggling to figure out the focusing system. You made it very easy to pick up.
An excellent & very well explained video…
oh wow thank you so much for this 🙂
Very easy understandable video!Just order my 7100 jumping from d3300!!!!You really helped me!!!Thanks alot!subscribed!
Thanks so much Michael..this was so very helpful. Although I tried to use my directional pad and it wasn’t working. I finally google it and figured it out. Great video and so very helpful!
My focus point on my new D7200 seems to be “stuck” it won’t move in single point mode when I try to using the arrow and ok button…does nothing. I’ve done this before but now it’s not working even when I reset everything
Wich is the best focus settings for talk videos? i dont move in a talk video