【視聴数 955177】
【チャンネル名 Michael The Maven】
【タグ Nikon D7100,Focusing,Focus,Training,Tutorial,Help,Tips,Lessons,For Beginners,advanced,modes,Servo,Continuous,Auto Focusing,Manual,PDF,troubleshooting,download,DVD,Crash Course,Nikon D7200,Nikon D7500 Tutorial】
Hi michael thanks for great video as always,there are so many forum that they talking about Nikon D7100 left square focus problem,is it right? do you saw this thing on nikon d7100? i want to buy D7100 and i want to know is it right or not,i just want to ask from a master
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The best video I had ever seen about camera
Syrian says thanks alot
Go ahead.
Hi! I’ve just got my D7200 and I follow All the steps you gave in this video but I can’t move the focusing squares. Please, let me know if there is anything in setting I could change to move it. Tks a lot! 🙂
great video .. thank you!
Thank you.. explained so much!!!!
A massive thank you sir, this was so very helpful.
very nice job explaining focus points the best to date i have seen .i JUST GOT MY D7100 so far great . still learning you helped a lot thank you.Plan to shoot little league baseball games next season .also planing to get Nikon P900 my nikon d7100 has a sigma 18-250 .thanks again will ordering your book soon.
Can I still get the D7100 Crash Course? I’ve ordered it twice from Amazon and now have two copies of the Canon 70D Crash Course to send back. I can’t find it on your web site,
What a helpful advice,thank you very much!
fantastic, I received my d7200 and i upgraded from the nikon d7000, the only confusing thing for me was figuring out how to change the focus and you showed me in easy to follow steps…. thank you 🙂
Excellent explanation!
Really worth… Excellent Much Appreciated!!
Thanks you very much for this help! I love your videos, and even if you speak english i can understand because you speak slowly and clearly… thanks for this too.
I was wondering How do you use all the nikon focus pictures on your movies??? You use masks and you manually add them on top of the video, or you are filming using some “link” mode to your pc?
Thanks for this info it is great.. really a big help. having a problem last night with my focusing and my built in illuminator is not working because it is set to AFC..
Very well explained saving users of the D7100 lots of time, what about these settings in video mode do they work the same, like holding down the shutter button half way? Thank you for this clear crisp presentation!
A lot of the time I saw this video ….thanks broo 🙂
Hello Sir I have a question about my D7100 focus point or focusing squre.. it was lock just in one place on left side, I can’t move it. I don’t know what happen and it is not moving. I try the diff focusing mode and still not moving.. Please can you Help me..
the biggest weakness of the D7200 is it RGB 2016 pixels autofocus/metering sensor when the subject is small enough it lose track very fast on contrary the fact that all point are sensible to -3EV is very good it always get focus even in near dark environment
Hi, Mic, very amazing this tips and tricks, even Nikon school also not say about this tricks, thanks, very nice
Im looking at purchasing this model..I currently own the D3000 .Well explained!