【視聴数 2447441】
【チャンネル名 Danny Gonzalez】
【タグ danny gonzalez,funny,commentary,comedy,react,reaction,reacting,awful,humor】
Apple-youtubeリンクまとめ Apple製品のyoutube動画をまとめました!最新のApple製品情報や役立つApple製品情報があります!
【視聴数 2447441】
【チャンネル名 Danny Gonzalez】
【タグ danny gonzalez,funny,commentary,comedy,react,reaction,reacting,awful,humor】
Yes, that dog is the boyfriend of my dreams. Thank you.
i don’t know why i was so caught off guard when danny just went “how’s your mental health? like—you—how are you?”
Omg love the new pillows
that man that walked behind you when you kept saying mommy probably thought you were one of those tlc baby people and I love that for you
13:32 this is not unlike YouTube
9:49 this part makes me think that Bad Granny was made in another language and Google translated to English because in French they call what in the US we call the first floor the “rez-de-chausée” or “ground floor” and then the floor above that is the first floor (second floor in the US), and the floor above that one is the second floor and so on. Other languages might do this as well but I only really know English and French.
Other countries do it like that for some reason where the second floor is called the first floor
Talking horse is a rip off of talking Tom and evil granny is a rip off of granny
How the fuck is being a good mother sexist? I think we need to reevaluate motherhood and the toughness that comes with it. It’s work.
The guy walking in the background when u were outside 💀💀
There’s a 100% chance that a mobile game called “Bad Granny” is going to be the best game ever made. I cannot possibly see how that would be weird in any way.
Edit: every like on this comment is one vote for Danny to make a shitty game
There are a lot of people who do call the first floor the main floor and the second floor the first floor in other countries.
That NPC was even walking behind Danny @21:49
Yoo going balls this is like my comfort game i play it when I’m bored or have no internet connection or both or when sad it’s really entertaining tbh
you still eating 30 almonds?
Lake Champlain isn’t even the capital of Maine… 😂😂😂
I’m from the uk and idk if I’m right in thinking that the first floor is above the ground floor maybes that’s why the game said that 👀