【視聴数 2447441】
【チャンネル名 Danny Gonzalez】
【タグ danny gonzalez,funny,commentary,comedy,react,reaction,reacting,awful,humor】
Apple-youtubeリンクまとめ Apple製品のyoutube動画をまとめました!最新のApple製品情報や役立つApple製品情報があります!
【視聴数 2447441】
【チャンネル名 Danny Gonzalez】
【タグ danny gonzalez,funny,commentary,comedy,react,reaction,reacting,awful,humor】
I’m early
I feel very Greg now
Danny are u ok man
not me downloading bad granny
Ngl I want that granny to ruin me not just my phone
Mobile games are like abstract art:They are beautiful,but you don’t know what’s going on
If only he could’ve found Horse Prince dating simulator.
Idk if anyone’s mentioned it yet – I think I remember the “1st floor being the main floor and the 2nd floor being the 1st floor” thing be how it works in Spanish? Haven’t taken Spanish in 10+ years, but I’m pretty sure – I bet that’s what’s going on in Bad Granny, just a bad translation.
Lol Americans calling the ground floor the first floor
first floor is the second floor in uk. idk if its like that in other place too tho
Soo uh, why was mom simulator saved on your cloud?
finally a new drew gooden video
11:09 If Danny didn’t choose to put the ad exactly after he said, “you get an ad” then that was an amazing coincidence 😂
Ok but how does sitting on that horse toy not break it
Perhaps the granny game was made by European developers, cause here in Switzerland the “first floor” is called the “Erdgeschoss” or “earth floor” basically, while the “second floor” would be the “first floor”
Why does Danny think that horses don’t have chests?? Is someone spreading horse myths?
i see the floor discourse hasn’t started yet lol
I didn’t know or think that danny is 28 Years old,lol ! He looks Kevin Years Old
The main floor and the first floor names is actually a french thing! In french the language refers to the second floor above as the first real floor, and the bottom floor as the main one.