【視聴数 2447441】
【チャンネル名 Danny Gonzalez】
【タグ danny gonzalez,funny,commentary,comedy,react,reaction,reacting,awful,humor】
Apple-youtubeリンクまとめ Apple製品のyoutube動画をまとめました!最新のApple製品情報や役立つApple製品情報があります!
【視聴数 2447441】
【チャンネル名 Danny Gonzalez】
【タグ danny gonzalez,funny,commentary,comedy,react,reaction,reacting,awful,humor】
I was looking at weird apps and a review for this warp scan app said “if you don’t allow it with your microphone it gives you epilepsy and doesn’t let you leave the app” so I downloaded it and it let me leave but it did flash sooo
These GOP leaders needs to take a cognitive test and not take the blame on Biden
Been having a bit of a rough week and not being able to eat much. But I am feeling like I can handle my favorite place’s grinder today and now I see this! I am going to have a great night after work watching this with great food.
kinda bummed that my horse prince didn’t get a feature
I love your videos so much! I’ve been watching you for a while now and they never get boring
Instead of Danny trying to find the worst mobile ad, he chooses to find a mobile game that’s intolerable for our entertainment, what a warrior!
I guess danny didn’t realize you can skip ads by clicking the arrows in the corner
“Every time you win or lose you get an ad-“
Me: gets an ad immediately after he says it
Also me: 😐 you’ve won this time
Fun fact: nobody has finished this video yet
it’s been to long man how r u
Why did I get an ad for Going Balls not a millionth of a second after Danny said “ad”
Danny should slap drew
5:00 is the laptop so Danny dosent forgot the ad script ? 😂💜💜🎁💜
FYI Danny, in other countries, the ground floor is not the first floor, they consider what we in America would call the second floor to be the “first” floor 😛
I want Danny’s pillows. Idk what cres means but it sounds cool
I’m with you
If I see one god danm cocomelon app I will throw the fricken phone at the fricken WALL
As a game designer and developer i am counting this video as research, thank you Danny