【視聴数 2447441】
【チャンネル名 Danny Gonzalez】
【タグ danny gonzalez,funny,commentary,comedy,react,reaction,reacting,awful,humor】
Apple-youtubeリンクまとめ Apple製品のyoutube動画をまとめました!最新のApple製品情報や役立つApple製品情報があります!
【視聴数 2447441】
【チャンネル名 Danny Gonzalez】
【タグ danny gonzalez,funny,commentary,comedy,react,reaction,reacting,awful,humor】
I’m Greg now!!!! I’m so happy
I was hoping Flying Gorilla would be in this video but then I remembered that Flying Gorilla is a masterpiece. Arguably the best App game ever made.
9:58 that’s just europeans man
As soon as Danny said “you get an ad” I got an ad
maybe it’s because I’ve had a long-ass day, but “Australian gumblebee” made me laugh so hard
Garbage content warning
Danny is usually a channel I turn to to watch something goofy and innocent to get my mind off of stressful things. Then I see BetterHelp as a sponsor 😅 Noooo Danny noooo
tell me i’m not the only one who absolutely loves that adorable horse. literally so cute and funny I LOVE IT
I laughed so hard at one of Danny’s jokes that I drowned on that tea.
Pro tip. Put your phone on airplane mode and you can play the game add free
Using B2 as Baseball Louie’s DP was wild to see as an Aussie, do Americans even get Banana’s in Pyjamas?
i can’t believe fanny thought that second floor means first floor for like half an hour
Just wait until he finds out about the horse boyfriend-
I’m pretty sure in french/france the main floor/ground floor IS the first floor, and the second floor is named first floor
We gonna ignore that he’s had mommy life simulator before and the cloud with arrow symbol means re download
The horse made me think of that one dating sim where you date a horse with the head of a man
Hey Danny, want to make something amazing? If that isn’t vague enough, it’ll be really cool!