【視聴数 2447441】
【チャンネル名 Danny Gonzalez】
【タグ danny gonzalez,funny,commentary,comedy,react,reaction,reacting,awful,humor】
Apple-youtubeリンクまとめ Apple製品のyoutube動画をまとめました!最新のApple製品情報や役立つApple製品情報があります!
【視聴数 2447441】
【チャンネル名 Danny Gonzalez】
【タグ danny gonzalez,funny,commentary,comedy,react,reaction,reacting,awful,humor】
Thank you Danny for spelling Help and not your last name
Danny, you know that games that aren’t simulators exist right?
Hi Danny
Danny how about 100$ for your pillows
in england we do actually say ground floor then 1st floor lol
hi danny i just want to say that your my favorite youtuber (don’t tell kurtis)
Oh wow the last time I came this early I… came early
The capital of Maine is NOT Lake Champlain. Baseball Louie is a liar.
3:06 Lich is pronounced more like… ‘litch’.
Let us all appreciate how great Danny is for a second
I hope Danny finally makes an app that’s like the Jeremy renner app
This is a classic one (talking about this comment) really early to the vid
I’m so glad Danny taught me that horses don’t have chest
Danny how much money do you want I’ll give you everything I own for those pillows
OMG I love your channel sooo soo much I’ve been watching for soo long and I hope you see this comment I will cry I will be so happy sorry this isn’t related
danny finding out that only americans call the main floor the first floor….
“God dammit is right” ~dances~
okay tbh the sponsor he has is actually amazing , i never expected to watch a funny danny man video and actually see a useful sponsor , thank you daddydan this could actually help
Danny really is the most professional shit talker their is