【視聴数 256324】
【チャンネル名 Thao Huynh】
【タグ Iphone 13 pro,Iphone 13 pro review,Is the Iphone 13 pro worth it,Samsung vs apple,Google vs apple,Android vs ios,Switching to ios,Switching to iphone,Iphone,Iphone 13,Apple iphone 13 pro review,What’s new in the iphone 13 pro,Iphone 13 pro battery life,Iphone 13 pro camera,Thao Huynh】
I don’t care for brand loyalty. I like my samsung because it gives me far more flexibility than an iphone. If that’s a turn off thank you lol
I totally agree with you about the iMessage thing. I also recently found out just how serious folks are about it.
I personally like both androids and iphones and i have used both, but i prefer android because there is more customisability, easier sideloading, alternative app stores and all the root features.
I’m unbiased I have both Samsung and iPhone devices right now I have the 13 pro max and I’ve had no problems but also the same for my Samsung tab s7+
All of my kids have iPhones. I think if I tried to get them an android phone it might break them 😂
She’s hot and has such an amazing on-screen persona, love it!
Die hard Android user here! After years with android I switched back to iphone and what stood out to me are the little things.
Refresh is decent. Still slower than the competition.
I love colors and vibrancy and the new iphones lack…HUGE. The colors are dull and flat. I’ve discovered there’s a way to adjust that but it’s very tedious and doesn’t adjust well across the entire phone in regards to color match(if that makes sense).
Love the screen size on iphone, I do travel a lot so the 6″ screen works well for movies, photos etc.
The magnifying feature to better view small letters is great for those with vision problems.
Speaker volume is great but let’s be honest. Who nowadays doesn’t own a Bluetooth speaker? I do use it while showering tho lol
Can’t close all background apps at once. Such a simple thing that should have been added.
No back button like an android so I have to reach across to swipe back to the previous screen. Not a big deal, right? For someone who has arthritis, this makes a Huge difference and is actually uncomfortable. Maybe I should switch to left hand lol
Still getting used to the buttons placement. I’ve accidently hit the power button a few times trying to adjust the volume on the other side haha nbd.
Camera quality/features: Not much to bring up other than how often will one use all these features if you’re not big on them? I for one love photography/videography so I do see myself using these features. Android is still superb.
I discovered this feature that will read out loud to you and you can even change the persons voice. This is great because when I try to read myself I get distracted so hearing a voice is great lol small feature but incredibly useful.
I can go on with comparing but all in all do I think the iphone is worth $1K+++? NO. It’s become a status symbol over time. I got it to FT family/friends more rather than using FB, Snapchat, Google Duo or any other platform. Wild. But it removes having to switch apps back and forth for this and does in fact simplify Some things but it is still way too tedious and complex for a phone that was designed to be “simple”. As a millennial I do actually enjoy talking or seeing someone over the phone rather than texting if meeting up isn’t available. Veteran here.
Androids and iPhone are very different. It’s almost apples to oranges here but if one phone works for you then go with that. Purchase at your own will! Just don’t go broke trying to purchase something with features you’ll rarely use. Use your moneys worth.
PS: Still discovering more features on the iPhone. Might return it lol
You can make customized app folders. Just tap and hold on an app and drag it on top of another app.
Very objective review 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
It really makes me scared for society as a whole if people don’t want to text you if a green bubble pops up in their iMessage app.
You’re so beautiful ❤️
I am an Android user… but what on Earth are you talking about? Apple has an amazing UI and much better hardware than any Android manufacturer. No need to talk the king down. Without Apple Samsung will still be giving us their cheap plastic phones and bad UI to boot:)
Moved from android to iphone.. cant say i miss anything. Ios is far superior and a much better unified os. Android still feels like its in beta. Also apple doesnt relies to much on gimmicks like samsung which i really like. Also you can use face id with a mask.
What ?? Teenagers have an average income of 68K USD????
You cannot creat your own folders????
You are so cute 🥰
I just cannot get passed the fact that you can’t multitask watch a youtube video minimize and do other things at the same time.. I do this everyday on the s21ultra and not having that is a deal breaker. Also I noticed because my wife has the 13pro that the refresh rate is less responsive than my samsung. I believe that you should have the highest rate even when scrolling through the internet tabs because that’s when you’re reading the most content… I want to want an iPhone so bad because I understand how great the ecosystem and imessage is but I just can’t get passed the cons
Call screening is game changer! It’s going to be hard to switch from a pixel because of that.
Is that an Ikea desk?
First female tech youtuber I subscribed to. A professional review.
Great work 👍