【視聴数 544660】
【チャンネル名 Phone Repair Guru】
【タグ iphone repair,phone repair guru,samsung repair,screen repair,phone repair,right to repair】
Apple-youtubeリンクまとめ Apple製品のyoutube動画をまとめました!最新のApple製品情報や役立つApple製品情報があります!
【視聴数 544660】
【チャンネル名 Phone Repair Guru】
【タグ iphone repair,phone repair guru,samsung repair,screen repair,phone repair,right to repair】
have you ever been acused of breaking unbroken parts
Have you ever destroyed someone’s phone while repairing it because the phone owner was super rude.
What is the purpose of « reprogramming » ?
Good vid
My Huawei is same but black dot is on right corner and lines are on all of screen
It won’t fail all apple has to do is change the color and it will sell
Gimmy my money
Question: can you turn iphone xs into iphone 13?
Question: can you ever turn a phone into a MacBook?
Where’s my 3 million dollars
Will you repair my redmi note 9 activ ?
what the weirdest thing you’ve had to repair
Bro I’m from India i have a damaged mi phone will you fix it ?
question: have you ever kinda scammed anyone?
iPhone 14 is coming out on September good couldn’t be later it’s my birthday but on which day my birthday is on 9 September lucky number for me
Are you married.
Face id will not work if the screen is replaced? Is it true?
What’s your name
What’s the most unusiful acsesory (for fixing phones) you have