【視聴数 121067】
【チャンネル名 Luke Miani】
【タグ Mac pro,m2 ultra,wwdc,WWDC23,Mac Pro Apple Silicon,M2 Mac Pro,Apple,Mac,M2 Mac,Video Editing,Final Cut Pro,Final Cut,Intel Mac Pro,Intel】
Apple-youtubeリンクまとめ Apple製品のyoutube動画をまとめました!最新のApple製品情報や役立つApple製品情報があります!
【視聴数 121067】
【チャンネル名 Luke Miani】
【タグ Mac pro,m2 ultra,wwdc,WWDC23,Mac Pro Apple Silicon,M2 Mac Pro,Apple,Mac,M2 Mac,Video Editing,Final Cut Pro,Final Cut,Intel Mac Pro,Intel】
🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷👏🏻, That is amazing!
Luke, this is not that hard to understand. This Mac Pro is a compatibility solution for existing Mac Pro owners that already have a bunch of PCIe cards and want the performance upgrade without switching to Thunderbolt peripherals that are also pricey and will make your desk a mess. So having the Mac Studio performance in this format can really be worth an extra of 3000$ for that people. Yes, I’m also pissed off about the end of upgradability in every Mac, but it’s time to get over it and be a bit fair. You want to shit about Apple? Start talking about the insane prices to upgrade RAM and SSD in every Mac. It’s pure robbery and no one really talks or care about it. We have to stop them.
What to put in PCI E in 2023 ?
Just like the vision pro,, fundamentally has no reason to exist
Luke, why did you spend that significant amount of money? Just why? You could have made the video without buying the Mac.
Does anyone know how the Pro’s PCIe compares to a Studio with a Thunderbolt PCIe enclosure?
12:45 yes
Without wheels ? Loser
the chassis of this should’ve come in Space Gray, to differentiate it from the Intel version.
Apple kind of flubbed the Mac Pro design since 2010. Basically, they never should of updated the design, because the aluminum tower Mac Pro was a great design. Instead they redesigned it twice and both were poor decisions for their time. The trash can was too small, so they went back to big, but now it’s too big…
This would of all looked better for Apple had they never redesigned, not to mention maybe saved Apple some money and engineering talent resources. To this day, that old cheese grater aluminum Mac Pro that started with the Power Mac G5 still looks good.
I think Apple did what I expected. They came up with a non-upgradable cheaper product that is as fast as a new Mac Pro but about half of the price. So instead of upgrading the Mac Pro after four or five years to extend its lifetime to about 10 years you just buy a new Mac Studio every 4 to 5 years. Same price and performance after 10 years. No lego needed. Just use it.
This thing is literally for broadcast and black magic. I’m sure there’s other niche uses, but dang this product is the perfect thing for black magic stuff
Edit: like SDI inputs and outputs
“But it’s a business expense, Mr. IRS agent!”
“Sure it is, Luke. Sure it is.”
$1,000 for 2 TB? You can get a 4TB nvme for about $180 ! Apple is getting a bit carried away with prices.
It looks like they put a Mac Studio inside a Mac Pro case. They should call it the Mac Air Pro because you mostly buy air 😂 it’s so empty!
So the SATA ports and the pci-e ports aren’t there?
It’s not cheap. But if you need Mac and the card expansion it’s your only option.
And you’re being disingenuous by ignoring that.
Don’t need pci-e buy the studio.
Do? Then buy the pro.
It’s not rocket science.
weird they didn’t just clock it higher than the studio…
u got ph k, it s just an , I Phone, in a big case…
You could’ve save some money watching MKBHD! Marques is predicting a serious upgrade for ultra professionals. Major movie, mega music, titans in the engineer space. However, Apple never miss a chance to grab cash of the table.🤦🏾♂️🧏🏾♂️👍🏿🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲
I really do think it doesn’t helps the mac pro case that apple dumped on on 3 party card makes with the trash can !
and apart from pro tools there are very few Pci card that have mac drivers !
most of the audio stuff end up thunderbolt or usb to run on all mac’s anyway !
With the new M1 and 2 there so good for 95% of people Unless you do video editing I can see why you get anything but base mini or Air for pure computing power
(the macbook pro has much nice screen and few extra bragging rights ) you don’t even need the big mini never mind the studio
So what’s the point in the pro (apart from apple can’t kill the big mac any more than mcdonald’s could )
Anyone that need more went Pc years ago !!! they prob dabble in hackintosh (gateway drug to linux ) then with A thread ripper 2 then they been dumped on by AMD TOO !
If you got business that’s not Video effects or audio Please tell me what you do on mac ? that needs cpu power and loads ram !
Ps total mac fan girl for over 30 years ( i still prefer mac os ) but they don’t do anything special anymore that you can’t do on Win or linux
Pss wonder if intel support on mac will die very quickly now ?