【視聴数 11689341】
【チャンネル名 Apple Explained】
【タグ history of the iphone,history of iphone,new iphone,iphone x,iphone xs,iphone xr,iphone xs max,iphone 8,iphone 8 plus,history of apple,steve jobs iphone,iphone rumors,apple iphone,apple new iphone,apple iphone xs,iphone 11,iphone 13 review,iphone 13 pro max,iPhone 12,iPhone 13,iPhone 13 unboxing,when will iPhone 13 be on sale】
I’m using an iPhone8 for 3 years or 4
iphone se
My dad’s phone is iPhone 6 plus
12 MP Camera is not enough anymore.
why is there no ipod?
Lol iPhone 3gs can have more memory than my 2016 samsung galaxy j7
Mine is 8 😟
Honestly, the most exciting one’s were the X, Xs and 11 because of the full screen and camera design
POV: you now have the iPhone 13 ✨✨✨
Where is the SE?
When the iPhone X first came out I thought it was unbelievable that they could pull off no home button.
I’m in Gen z…..
2007-2022 I have the iPhone 11 pro
iphone The Best 🏆
Idk why but I really want an iPhone 4 😭
Not me still owning the iPhone 3G even tho it turns on for like 20mins which im surprised it turns on at all
Last 10 look like penciles on tumbmail
Iphone 14 Review https://youtu.be/Tm2hQyApEtM