【視聴数 11689341】
【チャンネル名 Apple Explained】
【タグ history of the iphone,history of iphone,new iphone,iphone x,iphone xs,iphone xr,iphone xs max,iphone 8,iphone 8 plus,history of apple,steve jobs iphone,iphone rumors,apple iphone,apple new iphone,apple iphone xs,iphone 11,iphone 13 review,iphone 13 pro max,iPhone 12,iPhone 13,iPhone 13 unboxing,when will iPhone 13 be on sale】
They didn’t include the iPod touch which I’m on rn
still using my second hand iphone 6 rn, its lagging so bad i need to change smh
these are memories
hackers tampered with my computer; making latest attempt new speeding ticket;
if person get daily speeding ticket; even when they are many; each are treated as new crime;
hackers tampered with me attempting to buy smart phone and that is new speeding ticket abolishing statute of limitation;
such allows me to raise hackers crime; contagious; which is congruent; as such apple smart phone is raised issue from new speeding ticket; cause and effect by chain reaction; law of action; by chain of evidence; chain of congruos set;
inventions are not copyright; hackers could not copy them;
All iPhone scenes
$499 to $1,099 i think the cheapest one was $99? Im pretty sure but the early i phones were kinda cheap
iphone 6 anyone?
Тут есть кто нибудь русский ??
I want have iphone 8 plus
Ебать эволюция дерьма
Nice good video ❤️❤️
I can still remember getting my first ever iPhone on my birthday. The iPhone 5c. I got the green one and it was a great surprise
Old apple be like:
Lets use some Samsung processors
I have iPhone 7
I have Apple 15❤️
У меня 5s