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【チャンネル名 Apple Explained】
【タグ history of the iphone,history of iphone,new iphone,iphone x,iphone xs,iphone xr,iphone xs max,iphone 8,iphone 8 plus,history of apple,steve jobs iphone,iphone rumors,apple iphone,apple new iphone,apple iphone xs,iphone 11,iphone 13 review,iphone 13 pro max,iPhone 12,iPhone 13,iPhone 13 unboxing,when will iPhone 13 be on sale】
On any flaw in Samsung people argue but you can clearly see Samsung made apple and nobody is talking about it
Watching on my 13 pro max
steve jobs *sad*
4:09 My beloved
why iphone battery so small??
POV : your mom gives you the 5s and your happy you even have a phone
POV your mom gets you a phone 5
Русские тутта
How is an IPhone 12 almost 2 years ago 🤨🤨
Pensei que fossem canetas na thumbnail.✍️✍️✍️📱📲📳
The starting price of iPhone was 939€
What about iPhone 14
iPhone 13 pro in the Uzbekistan $2000 😭😭😭😭
Bruh, how do phones go from being $200 to over$1000
My iPhone 7
December 2015 I got was iPod 6th generation. 2:10 My First Phone was iPhone SE, I got it in July 2018. My current phone is at 4:18, iPhone 12 Mini I got in December 2021.
The iPhone 8 (small) did not have portrait mode. Only the Plus did