【視聴数 1435207】
【チャンネル名 Marques Brownlee】
【タグ video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload】
Apple-youtubeリンクまとめ Apple製品のyoutube動画をまとめました!最新のApple製品情報や役立つApple製品情報があります!
【視聴数 1435207】
【チャンネル名 Marques Brownlee】
【タグ video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload】
Marques your car reviews are top notch! You should do more automotive reviews, I enjoyed the Maybach shorts as well.
If the future of cars is electric and not a future of alternative combustion based fuels (i.e. synthetic gasoline or biodiesel):
-Electrical infrastructure MUST be increased, expanded, and improved upon, to the point of being as fast and commonplace as gasoline stations
-The components of electric trucks like the Lightning MUST become as available and affordable as regular F150s
-The spectre of range anxiety MUST be eliminated, to compound upon the point of electrical infrastructure being readily available
-The entry level cost of the Lightning (and other “regular” electric vehicles) MUST be parallel to the base model of regular F150s
4:32 A GrillGate.
عاش يانجم استمر
But I love finds, but dispise Apples! I can’t quit fords
Who cares Ford Lt. if Rivian R1T exists🗿
If the price was equivalent to ICE base model , I could see this replacing 65% of all f150s on the road. I know too many folks who barely even drive their trucks , let alone use the bed at all.
The first section recorded on iphone😶
Ford killed this!
I have never laughed so hard in an MKBHD video lmfao
Was hoping for the whole: “second lightning that we used for filming which we will be giving away to some commenter name Curtis.” portion haha.
Great vid. Seems like a no brainer vehicle for enthusiasts and common users alike
2 name drops in the title, good job(ad) dude
If there were a quarter as many charging stations as gas stations in the US, I’d buy one in a heartbeat.
I got a Silverado commercial before this
Edit: I loved the intro!
Cyber truck is so lame
Cuz stuff like the Rivian and this f150 acc exist whereas cyber truck is just another Elon promise like the roadster (no where to be seen)
Or the “hyper loop” or “solar city” (lol)
if only it had Tesla chargers
Yeah I want this truck
“You also can fit a human body in it” – Marques Brownlee 2022
Hope they start providing additional bed sizes, as this would be a perfect EV for fitting campers