【視聴数 10644812】
【チャンネル名 DMPlace】
【タグ Hunter x Hunter 2011】
マンガアニメ考察-youtubeリンクまとめ マンガアニメ考察のyoutube動画のリンクをまとめました!マンガアニメ考察のチャンネル探しに便利です!最新の役立つマンガアニメ考察情報があります!
【視聴数 10644812】
【チャンネル名 DMPlace】
【タグ Hunter x Hunter 2011】
This gave me chills and still sdoesnow
this has the same vibes has the black suit theme
Wait this song is from a anime
The fridge was a lie
1:23 Saaquenme de latinoamericaaa
Adult Gon and mature Gon can never dominate the dark continent. Because, imagine Gon 20 years later with his scissor technique, emitter (kamehameha) technique and normal punch. Now, 2 fodder creature from the Dark Continent use their ability:
– one of them is a nen beast, and makes a wish “I wish Gon loses his aura always”
– the last one is a hideous creature prancing as an ordinary girl, but as all dark continent vagabonds, her hax ability is overpowered: If the girl dies, then her opponent will also die. The girl will then be reborn
Sacred scrolls say that the recording audio tape had a dialogue of Gon’s mother saying: “Hi Gon, I’m your mother. I’m the ant queen from the Dark Continent and like the pandora box, Ging opened it and brought me to Earth”
Ging: “So Gon, that’s why you and me are so strong”
that rose thingy explosion
sounds like bf1 music when the end its nearby 1:58
the French horns in the song are incredible, literal chills
wait, it’s all cake?
Song is too good, every time that dramatic part plays I get goosebumps 😬
Every once in a while I come here….
Nostalgia is a bitch.
I thought this was the ‘kick push’ sample when i first heard it lol
despair !
1:25 oh hell nah he awakened
I cry , because I finally found it
While I was listening to this music I remembered Isaac Netero training