【視聴数 488722】
【チャンネル名 Phone Repair Guru】
【タグ iphone repair,phone repair guru,samsung repair,screen repair,phone repair,right to repair】
イヤホン-youtebe動画まとめたサイト イヤホンのyoutube動画をまとめました!イヤホン探しに便利です!最新のワイヤレスイヤホン情報や役立つイヤホン情報があります!
【視聴数 488722】
【チャンネル名 Phone Repair Guru】
【タグ iphone repair,phone repair guru,samsung repair,screen repair,phone repair,right to repair】
Oh my god! I too observed this and believed that it’s just only my feeling. Thanks!
I have Beats fit pro so I wouldn’t know
Try to make customers buy the new AirPods Pro 2 probably
They do it so they can say that the next version has 50% better noise cancelling. I have the first airpods pro version and it got so badly with the update that in the subway I can hear everything now…
Probably Apple trying to get you to buy a new product *again.*
I haven’t heard about this until now and I don’t know when this happened but I got my airpod pro 2 on launch noise cancel was amazing and maybe last week or so idk noise cancel seems to be lessened. I thought I was just going crazy and my fan being really loud not making difference anyway but idk weird
i think they want to release new Products in the future so they made the older devices bad
An Apple product got worse? You know what that means, right? The next version of that product will be announced soon so y’all will buy that, only to find its performance degrading too.
You: my iPhone charging port is bad
Apple: it can’t be fixed, get a new one.
I just got AirPods (2nd generation), so, yeah, this is worthless.
Thing apple do that i start wondering if it’s to lose customer’s
wtf apple? LMAO why?
Looks like new ones are dropping soon…
Let’s go !!! PRG news is back !
I wish prg news was real and it was TV show
air pods max 2 is around the corner
Because they might release new airpods pro max so they had to make the old on bad so ppl buy ah usual apple 😂
Chai with tech☕😇
*Apple did a bad thing*
Ah shit here we go again