【視聴数 641700】
【チャンネル名 Linus Tech Tips】
【タグ aiaiai,tma-2,modular,headphone,review,unboxing,overview,showcase,sound,quality,change,perfect,ideal,listening,experience】
イヤホン-youtebe動画まとめたサイト イヤホンのyoutube動画をまとめました!イヤホン探しに便利です!最新のワイヤレスイヤホン情報や役立つイヤホン情報があります!
【視聴数 641700】
【チャンネル名 Linus Tech Tips】
【タグ aiaiai,tma-2,modular,headphone,review,unboxing,overview,showcase,sound,quality,change,perfect,ideal,listening,experience】
Hey!If you are interested in some games that Im playing u can look on my channel.Linus Im a sub so no offense 😉
5:38 – 5:45.
Furthermore, Fnatic makes a headset called the Duel that is part of AIAIAI’s modular ecosystem. If you plan on buying into AIAIAI’s lineup for gaming, you should look into the Duel. It even comes with a boom mic that is part of a cable compatible with AIAIAI’s lineup.
It’s crazy that some people can’t believe that a product doesn’t have to be bad. People are calling this an ad, but for me, these kinds of videos are (partially) why I’ve subscribed to this channel; I want to learn about good products so I can consider them for me or recommend them to friends. And I know that I can trust Linus. I’m not interested in things that I know that I don’t want anyway. Keep up the good work, LTT!
AIAIAI bang bang!
If the headphones are perfect and there’s something wrong with it, it’s not perfect anymore.
where the RGB
at that price might as well grab a sennheiser 598
Modular smartphones? No. Module headphones? Yes!
Would you say these are better than beats headphones? (I’m looking for an upgrade from my old beats – which I could just repair)
It’s a Miracle!
My favorite headset Ive ever owned was the G930… If you know anything about those you’ll know almost all of them stop working after like 6 months. I had 5 friends and we all had the same headset; All of ours quit working. First they would stop charging, and second they would stop connecting wireless(plugging in the usb only charges, it’s still a wireless connection.
I burned in my Apple Earpods for two weeks straight lol. I have let many of my friends listen to my headphones and they are dumbfounded by how good they sound.. I don’t even understand why they sound so good. I have another pair of them too and the other pair I have doesn’t even sound as good as the one’s I use. Of course, they aren’t even the “go to” set of audio equipment for an audiophile lol. But, I really love my earpods. Good review bro.
Why on earth did they name it TMA-2? It’s an illicit drug, one of the trimethoxyamphetamines
AIAIAIAI *Awaken playing in the background*
what a crock of shite
Socks and sandals
Here’s a fact. Roku is the number 7 in the Japanese language.
They look great. They sound great. And best of all we get paid. :/
the ability to buy any part of the headphone tickles my fancy the most. i mean we all have bunch of headphones with a single part failing each lying around.