【視聴数 690284】
【チャンネル名 Phone Repair Guru】
【タグ Airpods lifetime,airpods battery,airpod lifespan】
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【視聴数 690284】
【チャンネル名 Phone Repair Guru】
【タグ Airpods lifetime,airpods battery,airpod lifespan】
I swear. My father bought the First airpods when they came out. He heard with them really often and espacially everytime he drove at his bike. They worked totally fine since end 2022. He had them f*cking 6 years
Apple thinks 100 and something dollars is money found on the streets
my second gens lasted 3 and a half years and then the right one stopped working
Dude i have some random wireless earbuds that look like they have tiny batteries but i have been using them for a year now and i get up to 6 hours of listening time
ive had mine for like 5 years, use them everyday and they’re still fine..
I’ve had my pro 1st gen for a little over a year starting to notice the battery life going. Usually last me from 8am-1pm. Now it’s about 12 or 12:30 maybe depending on use. No music ever
So basically your wasting money
Pass a law where manufacturers start giving credit for trade ins and have them recycle the old trade in’s for the metals.
Very easy fix for very Apple to do: Put a charge limiter just like EVs have. Optimized battery charging is extremely rare for the individual AirPods themselves and will remain fully charged. The majority of battery wear comes from staying over the 90% limit for long periods of time (why EV companies deject the idea of charging to full all the time). It’s a shame that smartphones along with their accessories don’t have a way to control max charge like EVs have had.
i’ve had my airpods for like 2 years and they only last 15-30 minutes
Well I have my airpods 2 since new and they still play 6 hours before dying. I prefer the sound of wired moondrops tho
I’ve had these first gen AirPods sense they came out and the mic doesn’t the batter sucks but it still held up
My air pods pro battery cut in half after about 2 years and the I just got the new 2.0 and the battery lasts way longer
I love my air pods 3 better than all of them
My AirPods Pro 1st gen lasted me 3 years and the only reason why I upgraded was because I wanted the new ones. They held a really good charge, even after 3 yrs.
I broke my phone screen and can’t do anything with my phone 🙁
Bro I’ve had mine since Christmas of 2020. They’re… not perfect. But the still play music
As someone who had the first generation of AirPods in 2018, I can attest. After 2 years, the battery life started to suck really bad. That’s when I asked for the second generation of them as my graduation gift for when I got out of college.
Ive had a pair of aidpods for 5 years now still going strong
i got iluv earbuds and they last half a day and i have had them for a few years