【視聴数 171585】
【チャンネル名 旅する家の物語】
【タグ モバイルハウス,タイニーハウス,キャンピングカー,軽トラ,軽トラモバイルハウス,軽トラキャンピングカー,DIY,田舎,工作,サンバー,サンバートラック,キャンプ,Premiere Pro,α7ⅲ,SONY,Adobe,日本,japan,バンライフ,VANLIFE,小屋,タイニー,車中泊,トレーラーハウス,マット,ソファ,ベッド,場所,真冬,軽自動車,暖房,グッズ,ランキング,マップ,レンタル,値段,中古,新車,キャンピングカーショー,高級,免許,カスタム,防水,設計図,固定方法,荷台,丁寧な暮らし,田舎暮らし,一人暮らし,Camper,truck,DIYCamper,Van Camper,Truck Camper,CAR CAMPING,car camping,carcamp,carcamping】
축하합니다!!!…트럭위에 각종 자재로 지붕올리고 벽세우고 하던 때부터 봤는데 이렇게 멋진 캠핑카를 구매하다니 정말 축하합니다.😀
Congratulations. I followed your channel for years. At the beginning you built your camping space in a tiny car, which was so amazing and interesting. But now you are no difference with other YouTubers who travel in a luxury car. I missed your past videos and you in the past. Sorry I won’t follow you anyone. Good luck.
I would like the tiny truck camper. This is no fun.
Congrats! It looks awesome!
so super excited for this awesome upgrade! it’s so so awesome to see how far you’ve come! love your content! can’t wait to see what’s next!!!
Ya quiero ver la nueva aventura en esta camioneta!!
Wow… congratulation. Can’t wait for Your next trip.
Молодец давно надо было так сделать!
Muchas felicidades es muy hermosa la caravana, te esperanuna gran variedad de viajes con ella, sugiero buscar un manual de la caravana para asi no seguir aprentando botones 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
extrañaré la pequeña casa, pero el cambio es excelente disfrutala mucho. Saludos desde Venezuela 😆😆😆😆😆
Que legal TAbie. Grande conquista. Deus abençoe suas viagens 🙏🙏🙏
That’s wonderful ! You deserve it.❤
It’s about time you treated yourself. no more sleeping on the floor ,lol p.s. nice camper.
This van is elegant, yet robust! Congratulations on your purchase! You will have some wonderful trips in your new van! In fact, you could even live in it occasionally. May many new adventures come your way! We will enjoy traveling along with you!😎🌳🏞🎶
Congratulations. I am very happy for you. Can’t wait to see you take it to the road. Good job!!!
Hm. Well, I’m glad you’re happy Mr Tabie-ie, but I originally subscribed for the homemade, rustic makeshift aesthetic. I doubt I’ll get the same out of videos taken in this than I do from the other camper. I’ll check in periodically I suppose. I hope you enjoy yourself and have many great meals.
Nice one. It’s good to spoil yourself.