【視聴数 171585】
【チャンネル名 旅する家の物語】
【タグ モバイルハウス,タイニーハウス,キャンピングカー,軽トラ,軽トラモバイルハウス,軽トラキャンピングカー,DIY,田舎,工作,サンバー,サンバートラック,キャンプ,Premiere Pro,α7ⅲ,SONY,Adobe,日本,japan,バンライフ,VANLIFE,小屋,タイニー,車中泊,トレーラーハウス,マット,ソファ,ベッド,場所,真冬,軽自動車,暖房,グッズ,ランキング,マップ,レンタル,値段,中古,新車,キャンピングカーショー,高級,免許,カスタム,防水,設計図,固定方法,荷台,丁寧な暮らし,田舎暮らし,一人暮らし,Camper,truck,DIYCamper,Van Camper,Truck Camper,CAR CAMPING,car camping,carcamp,carcamping】
Congratulations!! I can’t wait to watch your upcoming adventures in your new van.
felicitaciones por tu nueva caravana
I’m so happy for you Tabie-ie you’re going to be so much more comfortable, it looks amazing 🤩
Such awesome news! Wow, it’s a lovely home on wheels! We will enjoy watching you enjoy it❤
That is so awesome! You’ve finally bought your dream camper 😃
Empecé a ver tus videos hace mucho, siempre tan prolijo y ordenado en tu mini caravana. Ahora ver que lograste cumplir tu sueño me hace sentir tan bien! Felicitaciones, amigo! Muero por ver los videos de viajes en este monstruo de caravana!
Wow beautiful. I am jealous.
Congratulations!!🎉 We all loved your old camper but I could tell it was hard sometimes to turn around or get your bed ready and such. Not too much trouble, but it sure is nice to upgrade and make it easier on yourself. You absolutely deserve it for all the time you put into bringing us along with you on these adventures. Very excited to see where this will take us! ❤
흐뭇해 하시는걸 보니 제가 더 기분이 좋네요.
Congratulations! 👏 It looks amazing. Looking forward to more videos with your new camper. Peace bro ✌
Me encanta tu caravana……ahora si puedes viajar con tu esposa o nia
Great bravo Il love 👍👍🚐🚐❤️😺👋
Wow this is amazing. Congratulations and happy travels ❤
I’m going to miss the charm and character of your self built camper, but I am glad you are able to continue your adventures in this new camper, best wishes and keep on traveling!
Congrats to you! Been watching for a while and you deserve this van. Hope it takes you far!
No no if you don’t go back to old truck I will unsubscribe, this new van no good!!😢
Dude! Congrats!