【視聴数 231088】
【チャンネル名 ジムニーとひとり旅 JimnyCamper】
【タグ ジムニーとひとり旅,SUZUKI Jimny Camper,新型ジムニー,ジムニー,JB64,Jimny,ひとり旅,キャンプ,ルーフテント,overland,overlanding,rooftop tent,vanlife,納期,納車,一人旅,車旅,旅行,観光,ドライブ,カスタム,DIY,キャンピングカー,日本一周,car,drive,custom,trip,camp,car camping,ジムニー旅,JB74,ジムニーシエラ,シエラ,4WD】
Хорошее видео!
I truly don’t know how you stayed warm enough in that roof tent. It was so cold it was making me cold watching. Please be careful not to freeze to death out there.
I think you omitted to share the most important part – how did you keep warm in this tent with such a thin layer of fabric? Other campers staying in a van with insulation also had problems in such low temperature and they use electric heaters, gas heaters etc. But you did not show us what you done to overcome the cold. It is not possible to sleep in -7 Deg without protection. Sorry, but have to say that your video is incomplete. Do not send the wrong message that it is fine to camp in this way without heating devices. People can die from hypothermia.
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항상 건강한 캠핑 생활을 응원하겠습니다~^^♡
Güzel bir vido olmuş ancak biraz eksi yönleri var, örnek ısınma sorunu, ama sonuç olarak heyecanlı bir macera olmuş.
Если разжечь газовую горелку в палатке было бы тепло. Горелка быстро и хорошо прогревает палатку.
Dentan’ s brother
Hi, your video is very interesting and it shows that you can sleep in a car and, above all, in a roof tent, even in quite extreme cold conditions. But I think it is not advisable to face that kind of cold with that kind of tent I would prefer another solution. Sleeping at -7 can’t be pleasant… however I admire your courage. Greetings
Jimny Suzuki camps in subzero temperatures in a tent then cooks a meal that could feed ten people and eats it all! Obviously he is superhuman. Also escapes from 3 feet of snow the dope in the snowplow left behind his truck!
Watching this me feel like I was on the adventure! Thnx for the subtitles too
한국인? 일본인?
Great video…👍
A strong power bank I think will benefit you a lot
Hello from Virginia….we love camping too, but not that cold!!!👍🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
雪の中で温泉はほんと気持ちいいし心まで洗われる気がします^ ^