【視聴数 3857789】
【チャンネル名 Mrwhosetheboss】
【タグ samsung,tech,shorts】
アンドロイドスマホ-youtebe動画まとめたサイト アンドロイドスマホのyoutube動画をまとめました!アンドロイドスマホチャンネル探しに便利です!最新のアンドロイドスマホ情報や役立つアンドロイドスマホ情報があります!
【視聴数 3857789】
【チャンネル名 Mrwhosetheboss】
【タグ samsung,tech,shorts】
Winner :- fake samsung 😐😂
Oh God how do i know ifmy samsung A24 is fake or real please answer
Okay but a 1,330$ difference is insane compared to little difference in both
That’s a close call between both. That headphone jack is doing wonders
the front of the fake looks like a Samsung galaxy A30
“you cant tell that much of a difference” okah
China takes 2 steps forward to make itself look legitimate to the world, then takes 10 steps back, always.
gimme dat 70$ phone i need it
My notifications shows a day ago video notification NOW
For that cheep it’s not bad
tbh for $70 that seems hard to beat, pretty decent for the price
Just tell us the specs of the 70$ Samsung Omg dude.
My mom use the 1200$ samsung
Anyone have a link to buy the fake one?
The real Samsung look way more smooth!❤
“No matter how much you put makeup on a pig it will stay the same”
Who dafaq use headphones jack in 2023?
How much gb ram does it has?
Where to order fake one 😊